Hi there,

I’m Tim, a Software Developer in Melbourne, Australia.
I enjoy testing, modifying and repairing torches.

You can find me on:
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ABN: 15 641 984 325

Upcoming reviews:
Nightwatch A54U
Armytek Bear WRG
Sofirn SK40
Sofirn SR12
Sofirn SR20 Mini

Skilhunt EC500 WW Torch Review

Skilhunt EC500 WW Torch Review

The Skilhunt EC500 WW is a 21700-sized thrower with a Luminus SFT40 3000K 95 CRI emitter and built-in USB-C charging. It is also available with a NW (5000K) or a CW (6500K) emitter. And there is a choice of Carbon Black, Gun Metal Grey or Coyote Brown for the body colour.

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LOOP SK05 Helm EDC Torch Review

LOOP SK05 Helm EDC Torch Review

The LOOP SK05 Helm is an EDC torch with a Spotlight, Floodlight and Sidelight. These lights are controlled with an outer ring and a center button. It features fast USB-C charging and it can serve as a powerbank. This high performance version comes with a Luminus SFT12R emitter and three Luminus SST20 emitters.

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