The Lumintop Mach is a soda can style torch with a twist. It has a fan in the middle of eight CREE XHP50.2 emitters! I first saw the Lumintop Mach while visiting Lumintop in China with Neal.
It is awesome how Lumintop made the EDC15 head backward compatible with the body of a Lumintop Tool AA 2.0 so that you can mix and match components to make a Lumintop EDC AA with the ability to tailstand.
The Lumintop PK27 is a small pocket thrower with a reverse-clicky tailswitch that takes either one or two Alkaline or Ni-MH AAA batteries. This allows it to be a small keyring torch or a penlight.
Sillen reached out to see if I could repair his Lumintop FWAA Copper torch. He had accidentally sliced the domes off two of the three LEDs while installing a glow gasket.